Coalition for Carolina

As we head to the polls over the next few weeks, there are many important national issues, and several high profile local issues, that make the headlines each week and will influence our votes.  A local issue that is not making a lot of headlines is how the outcome of the election will impact UNC System governance, Carolina specifically, and NC public education in general. Yet, the outcome of this election will impact each of these areas.

UNC System Governance

The UNC Board of Governors sets polices, practices and procedures for the UNC System and all 17 colleges in the system. It is comprised of 24 voting members appointed by the North Carolina General Assembly to four-year terms. Not only do they set policy, practices and procedures, but they select the UNC System president who oversees the UNC System and is responsible for managing the chancellor hiring process. Follow this link to see who is on the Board of Governors.

Carolina’s Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees at Carolina have, historically, worked closely with the chancellor and faculty in a shared governance model to support the success of the campus.  Voting trustees at Carolina, and other campuses, are chosen by the Board of Governors, and the state legislature. The student body president also serves as a voting member.  Follow this link to see who currently serves as a Carolina Trustee.

NC Public Education in General

As a public university, most of Carolina’s students are a product of North Carolina’s public schools.  So, it is important that North Carolina’s pre-K – 12 public education pipeline be a strong as possible to deliver students who are well-prepared for the rigors of a Carolina education.  This is one of many reasons that the race for NC Superintendent for Public Instruction is important for Carolina supporters. Follow this link to read more about this race and the two candidates running for the position.

It is important to research candidates in order to try and get an understanding of where they stand on UNC System governance, Carolina, and public education in general.  Please vote for those who support Carolina, shared governance, and adequate funding for public education in general. Many websites provide voting guides, like this one from The Assembly, but another way to get information about candidates is to Google them.  

Please keep Carolina, and a thriving NC public education system from pre-K through college, in mind as you vote in this year’s election.  

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