Our Perspective
Happy Thanksgiving
Dear Coalition for Carolina Supporters: As we enter the holiday season, we want to share how thankful we are for your support. That support takes many forms. Some of you have supported us financially. Others have provided needed affirmation and encouragement. And still …
Fealty, Power Grab, Politicization, and, ‘the Enemy’
More Politicization of Higher Education “Ben Sasse, the Nebraska senator, arrived in Florida in February 2023 to help cement a … makeover of one of the nation’s top five public universities. The University of Florida had lured the senator with an unusual $10 million, five-year …
News You Can Use
We’re all inundated with emails and texts about the election which can get overwhelming, so we thought we’d pick a few newsworthy items to share with you this week. ______________________________________________________________________________ From the Assembly “Two UNC-Chapel Hill trustees are running for state office. Their …
Vote to Support Carolina
As we head to the polls over the next few weeks, there are many important national issues, and several high profile local issues, that make the headlines each week and will influence our votes. A local issue that is not making a lot …
The Installation of Chancellor Lee H. Roberts
For your convenience, we are including access to a video of the entire Installation Ceremony for Chancellor Lee Roberts. Below is extracted text of the speech that he delivered after he was sworn in as the 13th Chancellor of the University of North …
Something to Hope For
By Mimi Chapman Please note, the Coalition for Carolina does not have a stand on the on-going war in the Middle East. We are concerned for the well-being of all on our campus and recognize the complicated factors at play in the choices …
Trustees Held Accountable for Bad Behavior
On Thursday, trustee John Preyer read the following statement at a regularly scheduled trustees meeting: “[In] May of 2024, a legal complaint was filed against the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, alleging violations of the North Carolina …
SCiLL Looks Like What We Feared: Origins May be Destiny
We vowed to keep an open mind about the new School of Civic Life and Leadership that was mandated at UNC by trustees and the legislature. But the school looks more and more like what we were told it wouldn’t be: a center …
UNC Takes a Step Backward on Racial Diversity
UNC has taken a serious step back from its commitment to fairness and equal opportunity. Black student enrollment in this year’s freshman class dropped from 10.5% to 7.8%, Hispanic enrollment dropped from 10.8% to 10.1%, and Native American enrollment dropped from 1.6% to …
Hark the Sound? Will Tar Heel Voices be Heard?
By Mimi Chapman Over the holiday weekend, I was interested to see this article from the Associated Press in which three faculty members express concern about what our commitment to diversity actually means in light of the Students for Fair Admissions decision and, …
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