Coalition for Carolina


Yes, we’re angry about what is happening to Carolina, and we’re going to keep raising hell about it.

In fact, we’re going to turn up the heat. Because the partisan political attacks on UNC are getting worse.

Politicians in Raleigh Must Stop meddling at Carolina and hurting this great University.

Not only do we fear a bitter blow: the possible loss of Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz, who has been a steady hand at the helm through stormy seas.

But, in just the last few months:

When we posted lengthy clips from Mac Donald’s presentation to the trustees and her speech to the Alumni Free Speech Alliance, some of our critics accused us of “cancel culture.”

To the contrary, we welcome Mac Donald. We’re glad she came and spoke. We want people to see the extremism of the politically and ideologically driven attacks on Carolina and colleges and universities across the nation.

Follow this link to access both of her presentations.

If you’re as angry as we are, join us. Help us combat these attacks.

    We can educate. We can speak up. And, ultimately, we can vote.


Every week, the Coalition for Carolina sends out information on what’s happening. Follow us – and share the information with your family, your friends and all friends of Carolina.

Speak up:

Email trustees and legislators. Even better, call them. And even better, talk to them face to face.

Believe us, when they hear from you, they listen.


Before you vote next year, educate yourself on where the candidates stand on issues affecting Carolina.

Our Coalition is non-partisan and non-political. We can’t and don’t endorse candidates.

We can tell you where the candidates stand – and what they’ve done.

And we will.

You can help us do this work – and you can stand up for Carolina – by making a financial donation to the Coalition for Carolina.

As you think of your end-of-year contributions to good causes, keep us in mind.

Donate on our website. Or, reach us at to get directions on where to send a check.  

Let’s turn anger into action.

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