Coalition for Carolina


With little notice and no discussion, a UNC Board of Governors committee last week recommended eliminating jobs and programs that promote diversity at all 17 campuses.

The Coalition for Carolina believes there must be a full, frank and open debate on the issue before the full Board of Governors acts in May.

We need, above all, to hear from students who might be affected.

We need to hear from faculty and staff who are familiar with the value of these programs, as well as any problems with them.

We need to see the data about the effectiveness of diversity programs – pro and con.

We need, as the UNC community, to proceed thoughtfully and knowledgeably before acting abruptly in response to political pressure.

Yes, we know that powerful politicians in Raleigh are targeting diversity efforts on campus.

Yes, we know that states like Florida and Texas are doing away with university diversity programs.

But we don’t know – and nobody has shown – that UNC’s diversity efforts are harmful.

And we don’t know if eliminating those programs might hurt students.

In an editorial, The Daily Tar Heel said, “DEI is a fundamental aspect of education and benefits everyone, not just people from marginalized communities. Through DEI services, underrepresented students can find community and support at their institutions, and seek justice for a history of discrimination in higher education.”

The proposed new policy was released publicly only the day before the BOG committee met. It was passed in just a few minutes, with no discussion.

Some UNC students went to Winston-Salem, where the meeting was held, to oppose the move. They weren’t allowed in the meeting room. They weren’t even allowed in the building where the meeting was held.

That may have violated the state’s public-meetings law.

At a full board meeting the next day, WUNC reported, “BOG members and UNC System President Peter Hans made no public comments about the policy.”

WUNC added:

“Since he became system president in 2020, Hans has made it a point to answer questions from the media after UNC Board of Governors meetings. But after this meeting concluded, he declined to answer questions on the record from WUNC or other media outlets, and instead issued a written statement.”


Does the UNC System fear open discussion and public scrutiny?

Ironically, some critics of diversity are the very people who loudly clamor for “free speech” and “civil discourse” on campus.

Let’s have free speech and civil discourse on this vital issue now.

We call on President Hans, the Board of Governors and Interim Chancellor Lee Roberts to make sure there is a constructive discussion.

We are confident that discussion will befit the “light and liberty” guiding our university since its founding.

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