Coalition for Carolina

UNC Trustees Exposed for Inappropriately Meddling in Admissions

Just in time for the holidays, a story broke about the secret gifts a few UNC Trustees have been giving their well-connected friends: improper and unfair advantages in the UNC admissions process. In December, the publication The Assembly attained a slew of text messages through a public records request that exposed the undue influence Trustees […]

Vote to Support Carolina

As we head to the polls over the next few weeks, there are many important national issues, and several high profile local issues, that make the headlines each week and will influence our votes.  A local issue that is not making a lot of headlines is how the outcome of the election will impact UNC […]

The Installation of Chancellor Lee H. Roberts

For your convenience, we are including access to a video of the entire Installation Ceremony for Chancellor Lee Roberts.  Below is extracted text of the speech that he delivered after he was sworn in as the 13th Chancellor of the University of North Carolina.   ______________________________________________________________________________ Welcome, everyone. President Hans. Chief Justice Newby. Chair Murphy. […]

Trustees Held Accountable for Bad Behavior

On Thursday, trustee John Preyer read the following statement at a regularly scheduled trustees meeting: “[In] May of 2024, a legal complaint was filed against the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, alleging violations of the North Carolina Open Meetings Act. The board disputes the lawsuit, but the lawsuit has […]

SCiLL Looks Like What We Feared: Origins May be Destiny

We vowed to keep an open mind about the new School of Civic Life and Leadership that was mandated at UNC by trustees and the legislature. But the school looks more and more like what we were told it wouldn’t be: a center for right-wing views and something removed or exempt from normal university hiring […]

We Hope Lee Roberts Can Right the Wrongs at UNC

Our Coalition hopes that Lee Roberts will be the right leader at the right time for the University of North Carolina.  We are cautiously optimistic that our new chancellor will protect against interference by legislators and trustees that has eroded UNC’s academic excellence, integrity and independence. His selection had been widely expected since April, when […]

Trustees Tried to Bully Bubba, But Got Called for a Foul

Chair John Preyer and his allies on the UNC Board of Trustees have a history of bullying, harassing and intimidating long-time UNC leaders – even forcing some to leave Carolina. This time, the bullies got called out. They planned a secret, closed-door meeting where they would pummel and pillory Bubba Cunningham, who has been our […]

Chancellor Search Focuses on Fundraising; UNC Campuses Get DEI Orders

During the summer lull, we are watching two important developments at UNC: the search for a new chancellor and the dismantling of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs. Chancellor Search The next chancellor will need to raise $1 billion a year, UNC Board of Trustees member Jennifer Lloyd said. “We have to be sober about that […]

UNC-CH Drops Out of the Top 10 in Faculty Salaries

UNC is falling behind its peers, including Duke University, in faculty salaries. The chart below from the American Association of University Professors shows that: In 2010-11, the average faculty salary at UNC was $109,200, compared to $138,100 at Duke. This year, the gap has more exploded by more than double: $138,200 at UNC compared to […]

Supporting Institutional Neutrality and Student Success

On Thursday 23 May, the UNC Board of Governors voted 22-2 to replace the Regulation on Diversity and Inclusion (§300.8.5) of the UNC System Policy Manual and Code.  The new Regulation aims to strike a balance between what is referred to—in this Regulation and in contemporary discussions—as institutional neutrality, on one hand, and academic freedom and […]