Coalition for Carolina

No Joking Matter, Mr. Speaker

As UNC students were being removed from the North Carolina House gallery last week for protesting against gun violence, Speaker Tim Moore laughed, joked that the protesters must secretly be Duke students and quipped; “This is not a pep rally.”   They know that, Mr. Speaker. The next day, the campus was on lockdown again. Another man […]

Texas A&M Shares UNC’s Shame

Dr. Mimi Chapman is a professor at UNC’s School of Social Work. She joined the faculty in 2001 and was Chair of the Faculty from 2020 to 2023. She is a co-founder of the Coalition for Carolina. As a frequent flyer, I’m well-versed in the virtues of various airlines. I’m an expert packer, ready to […]

Defending Carolina’s priceless gem, Part 3 of 3

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is the third installment of a three-part essay by Lloyd Kramer, a professor of history and former Chair of the Faculty Council at UNC-Chapel Hill, where he has been a faculty member since 1986. You can access parts 1 and 2 at the links below: Defending Carolina’s Priceless Gem – Part 1 […]

Defending Carolina’s Priceless Gem – Part 1 of 3

Part 1 – Academic Freedom is the Foundation for Great Universities EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is the first installment of a three-part essay by Lloyd Kramer, a professor of history and former Chair of the Faculty Council at UNC-Chapel Hill, where he has been a faculty member since 1986. This piece was first published by Higher […]

Coalition Survey Results

We wanted to know what you think about what’s going on at the University of North Carolina. So, we asked you. Almost 500 of you – 486, to be exact – responded to our online survey last month. Here is what you told us: You see an inherent value in pursuing higher education, and you […]

The Truth Matters

Once again, some members of the UNC Board of Trustees aren’t shooting straight with the University community. This time, it’s about origins of the ideologically driven “School of Civic Life and Leadership” that the trustees rammed through – with the support of politicians in the state legislature – without informing and adequately consulting the University’s […]

Carolina First

Coalition for Carolina Foundation Logo

In the 18 months since the Coalition for Carolina was formed, more than 22,000 people have joined our email and social media networks. We are alumni, friends, family, faculty, students, staff and supporters of the University. Many of us live in North Carolina, and others live in Utah, Maine, Florida, New York, other states, and […]

Roger Perry Responds to Trustee’s Attack

Coalition for Carolina Foundation Logo

Marty Kotis of Greensboro, a current trustee of UNC-Chapel Hill, last week published an attack on me, the Coalition for Carolina and the University itself. You can read it here. When I had the honor of serving on the Board of Trustees (2003-2011), trustees put party, politics and personalities aside. We put the University […]

Is the UNC System Headed Down a Dangerous Path?

That is the question pondered by Inside Higher Ed. The piece begins like this; “The University of North Carolina system is grappling with accusations of partisan overreach by state legislators and their governing board appointees, fueling concerns that the system is headed down a dangerous path.” Inside Higher Ed goes on to describe several concerning […]

The GOP Playbook for Intervening in Higher Education

Yes. There appears to be a national playbook for the egregious governance overreach happening at Carolina.  The Chronicle of Higher Education obtained, through public-records requests and which have not been previously reported, emails which … “shine light on an increasingly popular mode of intervention into public higher ed. In establishing the Hamilton Center, Florida joined other states— […]