What requests does the Coalition for Carolina have for the UNC-CH Board of Trustees?
Our request to the Board of Trustees (BOT) is that they focus their actions on what is good for UNC-Chapel Hill. Period. When making decisions ask, “is this good for Carolina” instead of asking if it is what some legislator or Board of Governors (BOG) member wants. The BOT at each system institution is […]
Free Speech at UNC Reaffirmed
During our Dr. Lloyd Kramer spoke about the common good as it relates to faculty and tenure. In making his point, he shared a warning and valuable historical insight into free speech and what happens when faculty is punished for speech. Below are his comments: “One other point about the common good…and I’ll be historical about […]
An Affordable Carolina For All
“Benefits of public institutions of higher education. The General Assembly shall provide that the benefits of The University of North Carolina and other public institutions of higher education, as far as practicable, be extended to the people of the State free of expense.” (Article IX, Section 9 of the NC Constitution) North Carolinians have the […]
The Danger of Politicization and a Post Truth America
The Coalition for Carolina noted that there have been several incidents around the country where politics are being injected into public university governance. We asked Dr. Holden Thorp for his opinion on what’s behind such incidents and here is his response: “Well, we have a whole lot of incidents around the country of boards becoming […]