Coalition for Carolina

UNC-CH Trustees are Getting Involved in Who Attends and Who Teaches at the University

Now What Chapel Hill Board of Trustees?

On Thursday, November 4, 2021, the UNC Board of Trustees voted on measures that could (1) extend their influence and involvement in the admissions process and (2) involve themselves into lower level hiring decisions — people two to three levels below the chancellor or vice chancellor levels. Regarding admissions acceptance, prior to Thursday’s meeting, the […]

Buck Goldstein: The Partnership is Broken

Buck Goldstein believes that trust between UNC-CH administrators, faculty and governing bodies can be restored through improved communications. He asserts that “Trust is built person-to-person, not Tweet-to-retweet.”

What the hell is going on in Chapel Hill?

Good question. It’s a question that alumni, parents, and students across the state and country are asking today. The answer is as clear as mud: Some great things. And some not-so-great things. First the good stuff: The University of North Carolina is one of the greatest universities in the world. We have the best faculty […]